How To Contact Activision

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Activision Blizzard Media is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, as. TLDR: I linked my playstation account to the wrong Activision account and lost all my progress. I can't unlink my playstation account from the Activision account for another 12 months, so I need someone form Activision to unlink it for me so I can finally link it back to my old Activision. Activision Support cannot assist with or answer questions about enforcements. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Feedback and Bug Reporting How to leave feedback for or report a bug in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. Activision Support cannot assist with or answer questions about enforcements. Connecting to a Call of Duty: Black Ops III Game Troubleshooting tips for problems connecting to an online game on the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, or Steam. Activision Support cannot assist with or answer questions about enforcements. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Feedback and Bug Reporting How to leave feedback for or report a bug in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered.

  1. How To Contact Activision By Phone
  2. How To Contact Activision About Shadow Ban
  3. How To Contact Activision Support Reddit
  4. How To Contact Activision By Phone
  5. Chat With An Activision Agent
all gamers and non-gamers, volunteer to playtest today!

1. Sign Me Up

Calling all gamers and non-gamers in the Southern California area! To become a potential playtester:

Not in the Southern California area? Sign up anyway as we're always interested in your feedback and may expand to other cities and regions!

2. Playtest Unreleased Games, Awww Yeee

You may be invited to our Santa Monica Activision headquarters to playtest our games.

3. Give Us Your Honest Feedback

Liked the game? Didn't like the game? It's okay, we just want your honest feedback!

Tell us WHAT you did/didn't like about the game and WHY so we can make it better.

4. Walk Away With Loot & Swag

As a token of our appreciation for volunteering to playtest and provide feedback, you may receive loot such as:

  • Activision video games
  • Gift cards
  • Apparel
  • Other unique/exclusive swag

Signing Up

You only have to sign up once and you're good!

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Yes, in order to volunteer to playtest, you must be at least age 18 to participate. Unfortunately we are not accepting anyone under the age of 18 at this time.

Sign up anyway! We're always interested in your feedback and may expand to other cities and regions!

Contact us by EMAIL and let us know you're having trouble signing up so we can resolve the issue.

When a playtesting opportunity arises and you match the profile for a study, we'll contact you via phone call or email with a couple of follow up questions.

Unfortunately, no, but if you have been selected to playtest, you'll be invited to come to our headquarters to playtest the game or app.

Complete the survey again and your information will automatically be updated.

Contact us directly by EMAIL or click on the removal link at the bottom of any playtesting email to opt out.

Activision customer support

If you change your mind, you can opt back in by signing up again.


If you have been scheduled for a playtest, you will receive a confirmation phone call or email.

By confirming, it means that you've committed to participate in the scheduled playtest.

If you have been scheduled, but have not received a confirmation phone call or email within the given timeframe, please contact us by EMAIL.


  • Check in at the front desk and get your parking ticket validated.
  • Check in with a member from Central User Research and they will provide you with a Non-Disclosure agreement to read and sign (parent/guardian will read and sign on behalf of their child).
  • We will hold onto your phones for the duration of the playtesting session.
    Note: Let a moderator know if you need to use your phone and they will escort you to an area where you can call or text.
  • You will go through a security check and be escorted to the testing labs.


  • You may be asked to playtest an in-development build of one of the unreleased games.
  • While it's an exciting experience that playtesters are eager to discuss, we ask that you please refrain from talking to other playtesters about the game (unless instructed to do so) during and after the playtesting session since we want to hear your individual thoughts.
  • During the playtesting session, please comply with moderator instructions and be mindful of other playtesters.
  • If you run into any issues or have questions during the session, please notify your moderators.
  • Be honest and specific with your feedback!

As a token of our appreciation for volunteering to playtest and provide feedback, you may receive loot such as:

  • Activision video games
  • Gift cards
  • Apparel
  • Other unique/exclusive swag
  • Yourself
  • Government ID
  • Phone (so we can contact you)
  • Sweater/ Jacket (our labs can get cold)
  • Weapons
  • Illegal paraphernalia
  • Other people (unless they have been scheduled for the same playtest session)
  • Valuables (if you don't need it, don't bring it!)

Wear whatever you're normally comfortable with wearing in public.

Note: Our labs can get cold so bring a sweater or jacket.

We actually test a variety of things– first person shooters, children's games, apps, websites, and other popular titles– so it depends on the type of test that arises and whether your profile matches!

Players will be testing games with ratings appropriate for their ages.

Minors CANNOT and WILL NOT be allowed to playtest games with a 'Mature' rating.

Participants who have not been scheduled by a staff member will not be able to playtest under any circumstances.

However, you can let your friends know they can sign up on PLAYTEST.ACTIVISION.COM first.

The playtest will be held at our Activision headquarters in Santa Monica.

Try to let us know 24 hours in advance by contacting us through EMAIL. How do i transfer photos from android to ipad.


Visit the CONTACT US section to shoot us an email

Nope! Playtesting is purely voluntary. If you're looking for a career, visit ACTIVISION CAREERS.

How To Contact Activision By Phone

No, but if you are looking for customer service and support, visit ACTIVISION SUPPORT.

We're User Researchers! To find out more about what we do and how we work with you, the playtester, visit WHO WE ARE.

We Are User Researchers

We're the middlemen and messengers between you (the playtester), and the designers/developers that make the game.

We Are Listeners And Need You To Tell Us What You Like And Don't Like

Through your honest (or even brutal) feedback, we can pinpoint any problems and let our designers/ developers know ways we can make the experience better for you.

The more honest and the more specific you are in your feedback, the more likely the change will happen!

We Are The Playtester's Champions And Messengers

We want to make sure your voices are heard before the game comes out!

Our (Gaming) Objective

How To Contact Activision About Shadow Ban

We focus on your feedback and how you play the game to help improve the game and ensure that you have the best gaming experience possible.

Who We Are Not

How To Contact Activision Support Reddit

We are not Quality Assurance– we're not looking for feedback on bugs from our playtesters.

How To Contact Activision By Phone

We're also often mistaken for Market Researchers, Business Analysts, and Graphic Designers, but we're not! We're User Researchers!

Chat With An Activision Agent

A Peek Into the Lab

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